Monday, 10 May 2010

Research findings

From the research I did from a 'computer literate demographic' I have been able to draw the following conclusions and statements:

Downloading quantities
  • 55% of people from a computer literate demographic claim to download 'rarely' (a few tracks a month)
  • only 4.5% said they did 'a lot' (Over10 albums per month)

Downloading method
  • 47% of people responded saying their main method of acquiring illegally sourced music is via torrent sites.
  • 30% share locally, either by exchanging files on a Local Area Network or by swapping physical media (CDs or external hard drives)

  • 49% of people from a computer literate background consume music from a player on their computer, eg iTunes or Windows Media Player

Reasons for not downloading
  • Most people cited the reason for not downloading as the convenience of having a CD
  • Reason for not paying for music
  • Majority of people, 24% cited their reason for not paying for the music they were downloading was due to it'd difficulty to find in mainstream shops or online retailers.
  • 22% agreed that they would pay, but they feel it's too expensive.
  • Of those 22% the majority also responded saying they only download 'rarely', a few songs a month

And why use a computer literate demographic? I want to find out of people's knowledge and competency on computers affects how they download. In other words, is a limiting factor on people's illegal downloading activities the ease at which it is possible?