Saturday, 10 April 2010

Initial compiling of questionnaires complete!

I got all of my research from the weekend compiled into a database I designed this evening, I'm leaving the 'fun' side of it - the analysis until tomorrow.

Oh, you can also have some Culture Capital for the summer.

Friday, 9 April 2010

Start of research analysis...

I'm starting the consolidation and analysis of the research that I gathered over the weekend on illegal downloading. Online questionnaires may be easier to carry out and asses, but for some reason paper questionnaires appeal much more to me, there's something more honest about going up to someone and saying "can you please fill this out for me, feedback would be appreciated".

See you in 50 questionnaire entries.

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

New research!

I've been away this Easter weekend at the gaming event i39, where I conducted some research on a highly computer literate demographic. I intend to compare the findings to the questions asked to a none computer literate demographic to see what affect it has on people's illegal downloading habits.

Check back shortly for results.